Saturday, October 28, 2023

Share 4 Somethings, the October edition


Happy Saturday, friends and welcome to my monthly Saturday bonus post, where I talk about things I loved, learned, read, ate and/or enjoyed this month. I hope you join in with the lot of us this month, we'd love to have you! 


I have loved the month of October! This will forever be one of my favorite months of the whole year. It's definitely in the top three (December, November, followed by October) for me. Do you love this month as much as me? I love that it's (usually) cooler (though not the case for us here near Memphis this year), that the leaves start to show off a bit more, and that it's our anniversary month. These are my favorite things about October. 

I loved seeing these horses at Dad's house last week.

These beautiful and majestic creatures will never cease to amaze me! 


I also learned that I still have the magic touch when it comes to getting them to come to me. I shared these pictures on social media last week and my stepbrother told me that apparently they like me more than him, since he calls them every time he sees them and they never come. 🤣 


I'd love to say that I read some great books this month, but I haven't been able to love what I've been reading as much as I'd hoped. I'll share more about that on Tuesday next week, so I hope you come back to check! 


I know that I mentioned these meals this week already, but this is just a small sampling of the delicious-ness I've had lately and enjoyed, starting with this Chick-Fil-A meal that TikTok made me try. Here's what I ordered, in case you missed it this week: an 8 count of nuggets, a side of the kale crunch salad, a side of pimento cheese, a side of jalapeno peppers, and honey barbecue dressing. Mix and enjoy! The next time I'll skip the jalapeno peppers.

I've enjoyed putting this creamer into my coffee each morning and night!

We enjoyed this type of dinner a couple of weeks ago, and we ate while we watched tv. I love doing that every once in a while! 

Did you happen to read my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below.

Monday was a recap of my weekend.

Tuesday was about what's in my purse.

Wednesday was What's Up Wednesday.

Thursday was Thankful Thursday.

Friday was Friday Favorites.

Thanks for linking up with us today! In case you haven't read this already, the Currently link party happens this Wednesday November 1. We'll be talking about what we're currently loving, buying, preparing, excited for, and planning. I'd love for you to join us for that as well! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

P.s. I'm going to continue to host both of these link ups in 2024. Do you have any suggestions for prompts for the year for either? With S4S, the prompts remain the same each month, but with Currently they change from month to month. I'd love to hear some feedback from you!


  1. We had a lot of the same shares! I can't think of any different prompts right now, but if I do, I will let you know. Thank you for continuing these fun link ups!

  2. Hi Jennifer :) It would be fun to hear what people are wearing, eating, exercising, writing, reading, watching, giving, challenging themselves, not buying, creating, working on, trying to learn...and that's all :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Our trees are really getting pretty now too with the turning of the leaves. Summer is my favorite season of the year so I'm a little sad to see it go though. But I do love the cooler temps of the fall. Thanks for hosting us!

  4. Jennifer, I love the dish you designed just for yourself at Chick-Fil-A! I'm going to remember your recipe next time we pop in for a meal. Yum. Perfect!

  5. We're having a beautiful fall here in SW Ohio too. That last meal looks delicious, minus the pickles (depending on what type they are). lol

  6. I love October too! The cooler temperatures, sweater weather, beautiful fall foliage, the anticipation for Thanksgiving and Christmas, love it all!

  7. The trees are so pretty in your area. We don't get much of a color change here in Houston, and I'm looking forward to seeing some fall colors when we go to Auburn/Atlanta soon. Maybe you could go back and look at the previous host of Currently blog to see some prompt ideas. Recycling is always a good idea!

  8. I love those photos of the pretty trees and all of that food look so good. I hope you have a nice weekend.

  9. I love fall and totally forgot to include pics I had taken this month. I am sorry your reading hasn't been great lately, I hope you find something you love soon. I had a bunch of mediocre reads this month as well, but did have some gems as well. Thank you for continuing to host this link up :)

  10. Amy, that's funny that we had some of the same shares this month! Great minds think alike, as they say. If you think of some prompts, send them my way!

  11. Debbie, those are all great! Thank you!

  12. Lisa, I'm so glad you joined us this month! I know so many people who are always sad to see summer end. There are pros and cons to both, that's for sure!

  13. Linda, you should try it, it's delicious!

  14. Cathy, I'm glad to hear you're having a beautiful and colorful fall in your town!

  15. Pamela, YES! I love all of that. And more!

  16. Thanks, Tanya! I hope you get to see some pretty foliage when you travel to see your kids. Surely, you'll see some! That's a good idea. Thanks for that!

  17. Thanks, Cindy! I hope you have a better reading month come November. I hope the same for me! I'm about to switch over to Christmas themed books!

  18. I love what you did at Chick-fil-A, Jennifer. And that same exact creamer is currently in my fridge. :-)

  19. Lois, it was so good! And so it that creamer. I will be so sad if they stop carrying it eventually!

  20. I have got to try that "recipe" the next time I go to CFA! Thank you for sharing that! It sounds delicious!!

  21. I too am not reading much this month. I saw your other post and just want to say I love that you got matching tattoos. That's so sweet!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!


  Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this...