Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thankful Thursday, 1.12.23.


Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo and I would love for you to join us for today's Thankful Thursday link party. In thinking about post ideas for this week, I was looking through older blog posts and came across some great and some not so great memories. I love looking back on life events, though. Do you? I especially love when it was a trying time, and I'm able to see the faithful hand of  God over my life in those days. 

I am so thankful for the faithfulness of the Lord. I used this verse above to encourage my friend who had some surgery this week. I've been thinking about her and praying for her all week, because I know what it's like to go through major surgery and to be nervous about how it'll go. I have shared it here before, but it's been ages, so I thought I'd share about a time several years ago when I was really sick. 

I'm sharing two old posts from my blog that took place eight and a half years ago. I was in my late 30's and was extremely sick due to the fact that for ONE FULL YEAR, I almost hemorrhaged to death. (Bill (my stepdad), I know you're reading this, so I'm sorry.) I've always had extremely heavy periods, but this particular time, it was one long continual event. I would have a day or two of respite, then it would start back up. I'll never forget being on my favorite vacation to date, and being so sick, I could barely stand. I seriously thought I was going to have to get Todd to take me to the hospital, I felt so bad. We were in the Williamsburg, Virginia, then we went to Triangle, Virginia for his cousin's retirement from the army, and we visited Washington DC as well. It was the best trip! We had so much fun, despite the fact that I felt like I was dying. I'm not kidding...this was in September of 2013, so the boys were 14, 13, and 10. 

I put on a brave face, but I was sick, which you can read about in the posts that I'm sharing in this paragraph. When we returned from that trip, I tried to get into my doctor and she could not see me for weeks, even though I should have been considered an emergent case. Everything came to a culmination just a couple of weeks after we returned home from that trip, which was one of the worst and scariest days of my life. Here is a post that talks about that day, and here was an update two days later. Those days happened and things were better for a while, but things got so much worse before they got better in April of 2014, when I finally had my total hysterectomy. 

I went through several (SEVERAL) doctors and quit them all, including my doctor who delivered all of our sons. I learned that when you're sick, you have to be your own advocate. Nobody believed me, and every doctor I saw wanted to give me a temporary solution to a very real and debilitating problem. I remember asking my doctor how much money she was making from the pharmaceutical company she was trying to push me to choose (she wanted me to have some sort of birth control implant thing) and then walking out of her office. (That was the last time I've ever seen her.) Through all of that, the Lord helped me through what was one of the worst years of my life. He is always good and there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. 

I shared all of that to say that I am thankful for the fact that the Lord allows us the gift of remembering. It's good to look back and see His faithfulness. I have so much more to say, but I'll wrap this post up for the day. The cool thing about remembering all of this and thinking about my dear friend who had her surgery yesterday is that the verse I shared at the top of this post was the same one I had just memorized when I went through all of that. I think that was in the first of the older posts that I shared, the one titled "the ups and downs of life". How cool is that? Now you see why I picked that verse to send to my friend early yesterday morning. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope this encourages you and points you to Jesus. Love to all! 


  1. I hope your friend comes through ok and I am so glad you were your own advocate. I agree with you that doctors want to push drugs sometimes and you don't know if you can trust someone who immediately says "here's your prescription". I want a doctor who will look at all options.

  2. Thanks, Amy. It's going to be a long year of surgeries and recoveries for her, but because she has the cancer gene, she had a radical hysterectomy yesterday and in the middle of this year will have her double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery(ies).

    I agree wholeheartedly with you and that's why I quit so many doctors- they were all trying to put band-aids on a huge problem, without getting to the bottom of things. I did try all kinds of meds that I took orally, one other smaller out-patient surgery (an ablation), and then finally the big surgery that removed the problem. I tell people this all the time now- fight for yourself! You're the only one who will.

  3. Oh Jennifer- I got so choked up reading this. I just went through the same thing this past summer and what really resonated with me in your post is when you said "you have to be your own advocate." SO TRUE. No one was taking me seriously either. That coupled with my family history, I made the choice to have the big surgery and have not regretted it even with the complications. I am with you and I am grateful too XO

  4. I remember getting choked up when I read about you going through the same thing. It's why I was diligently praying for you in that time...I knew what you were going through and what you felt like.

    It was a terrible time for me, but it was also a wonderful time, because the Lord was very near to me. I could see Him in every little twist and turn along the journey lasted for one full year- from May of 2013 to April of 2014, but the difference I felt after surgery was immediate. I had the big surgery where they had to go in an old incision and was hospitalized for a few nights, but I felt so much better afterward, that I had no pain.

    I am so glad you are so much better now!

  5. There is nothing like the peace that God can give you in times like this. I know as a kid we used to sing a chorus about the peace that passeth understanding. I never really knew what that meant until 2016 when I actually experienced it. Oh my! It makes all the difference when going through what I did and what you did those years ago. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of this. Praying for your friend.

  6. I can't imagine how frustrating it must have been, to know your body is in need, but the almighty docs not wanting to do anything. I think we've all learned, through the past few years, that there are only a handful of honest doctors and those of us who have the Holy Spirit, need to listen to Him first.

    I had a nurse once tell me that they are trained to offer "pills or a procedure" as the cure to all ailments. What an admission.

    What a scary time for you and I'm sure, for your friend now. I pray that the Lord will give her all the strength and wisdom she needs to come out on the other side, healthy and whole.

  7. What you went through sounds horrible. I'm glad that you are on the other side and that you remained faithful to God and that you were still able to focus on the good things like trips with your family. I can't imagine going through what you did. I just read an article about a woman who experienced what you described and it's almost like your story to a T. She switched doctor after doctor after they failed her time and time again. I am glad that you are better now physically and that you were refined by the fire.

  8. Cathy, you are so right! I know you know the exact thing I am talking about. I am so glad you're on this side of your journey now as well. Thank you for praying for my friend!

  9. Debbie, it's so true! And I am like you with what that nurse told you...what a terrible thing to admit. Nothing should surprise me anymore, but that year long event taught me some things. I have never forgotten them and know I never will. Thank you for praying for my dear friend!

  10. Maria, it was terrible in that I felt so bad, but it was also wonderful in a way, because I sensed the Lord right beside me at every turn. I walked out on doctor after doctor and finally a new one that I loved from the first five minutes and who offered surgery to me within 15 of my appointment. Her words were, "What was your doctor waiting for? You need surgery!"

    I certainly did and I am so glad to be here now today. It's one of the best decisions I ever made. Thank you for that, my friend!

  11. What a story - I went back and read the other two posts. I had a similar situation in 2011 at the age of 43. Reading your story, makes me so thankful for my doctor. She immediately suggested a uterine ablation, and that solved the problem for me. Thanks for sharing!

  12. It's beautiful to give thanks for the trials of life. I understand the medical frustrations and happy you were able to get the help you needed. I'm new here and hope to try and remember to participate each Thursday.

  13. Thanks for sharing your story, friend. It is encouraging....but also discouraging to read yet again of our failed medical system and doctors. I read about it, hear about from others and even experience more and more. It really is troubling. I glad God led you to someone who would listen and was able to help. Such a good exercise to look back - to remember and rehearse - all that God has done...and how good and faithful He is!!

  14. Thank you for sharing your story! I'm a new reader and was moved by this post. You most definitely have to be your own advocate these days!

  15. Thanks, Tanya! I know you're grateful your doctor gave such great advice. I had taken for granted the fact that I always assumed that she would look out for me...I loved her so much, but even years later, I'd never go back to her again. It's great when we find good doctors! It's definitely worth sticking with them.

  16. Someday Remember- I wish I could greet you by name! I tried to find your name on your blog, but I never found it anywhere. Thank you for that, and for linking up with us today! I'm so glad you stopped by today and hope to see you back soon!

  17. You're welcome, Mandy! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. I hope to see you back here soon!

  18. Jennifer, you are so right! That's why I love these posts and the practice of being thankful. It's so encouraging and faith building to do this, and to see all that God has done. He is so, so good!


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