Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Currently, April 2024


Happy Wednesday, friends, and happy birthday to my sweet Drewby! I can't believe that he turns 24 today; I'm excited to see him and celebrate with a delicious dinner tonight. 

Drew has always kept us laughing, and we've learned that some things never change. He has brought so much joy to our family! I'm glad we get to see him on his birthday! 

This month we're talking about things we're currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and cleaning. In May we'll talk about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, seeing, reading, and wanting. I'll jump right in! 


I'm currently loving the fact that Todd is at home so much. I know that sounds strange, but hear me out. He's been watching TV a lot, and it's been shows that make it easy for me to read while that plays in the background. TV is what keeps me from reading books, which is why I go in phases when I read a lot, and then times when I don't. It's not that I read a ton of books in March, but in one week's time, I read a four book series! 

I've been loving the sunrises lately, has anyone else? 

I am loving being able to see green out our windows! It seems like it's taken a long time for the trees to start budding leaves again, but it's finally happening. I'm not loving thinking that there may be a dead tree that we share with our neighbors in the backyard. Time will tell if it's dead or not, but for now, we've not noticed it putting out any new buds. 

Looking forward to

I love looking forward to reading the Bible each day. The Bible Recap is just what I needed to do this year, and I'm glad that I'm participating in reading through with them this year for the first time. The women in our church are also reading along chronologically, and while I love their plan as well and have done that one many times, it's been nice to have a fresh and new plan. It's such a huge part of my morning now that I miss it when I don't sit down at the same time to read everyday. This week I'm looking forward to today; Todd goes to the doctor again this morning, and I'm anxious to hear what he says. I'm also really looking forward to celebrating Drew's birthday with all my guys tonight, in case you didn't catch that the first three times I said the same thing. 🤣 


I seem to be doing my shopping on Amazon lately, and I've not been buying anything in person. I don't know why, but nothing has stuck out to me recently. It does seem like I am always buying groceries! I know I'm not alone in this. 


I always think about planting some herbs in pots at this time of year. I never follow through with it, though. Maybe this will be the year? I'd love to have chives, cilantro, and parsley. Do you garden or have an herb garden? I'd love to know your tips and tricks! 


I've been cleaning those little brown wormy things that float down from the oak trees off of everything lately! They get all over my son Graham's dog, Oakley, and they're all over our grass, cars, and deck. I took a blower outside on Monday afternoon to clean it off. It looks much better now than it did. I need to do some spring cleaning around the house; hopefully that will happen sometime soon. 

Thanks for joining in with me today! I can't wait to read your posts. Love to all!


  1. Happy birthday to Drew! I caught up on your blog posts yesterday (it's so tricky balancing work and life and I always feel like I am trying to play catch-up!!) I'm so happy to hear that Todd is doing well after his big operation. My husband is due to have a double knee replacement sometime this year and I'm a bit stressed about the whole thing. But also trying to stay in the moment and give my worries to God. All the best as Todd continues to recover and I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your boy! I love the pic of him in the fridge haha!

  2. What a great day! I hope you get good news at the doctor and that you have a wonderful celebration for your Drew!

  3. Happy Birthday to your son! And my tips to planting are to plant things that come back every year so you don't have to worry about them. However, if you only want to plant in pots, that may not be possible. I hope you get good news from the doctor today.

  4. Happy Birthday to your Drew! His hair sure went from straight (though it was quite short in the first picture) to curly, didn´t it? I hope he has a great birthday and that you guys have a good time celebrating him. Glad to hear that Todd is doing well as well. Have a great Wednesday!

  5. Thank you, Ruth! I need to catch up on yours as well. I've missed seeing you regularly! I know what you mean about staying in the moment and trying not to worry too much. That was me! I'll be praying for you as you face surgery with your hubby this year. I'm so glad you linked up today!

  6. Have the best time celebrating Drew today!! Great photos...enjoy all the fun "trips down memory lane" today!:) Thanks for the link-up!!

  7. Thanks, Amy! I hope we get great news today as well. Todd has a big day today, because he has somewhere else to be after the appointment...I hope to share about it soon. Enjoy your day!

  8. Thanks, Natasha! That is great advice, and I appreciate that.

  9. Thanks, Maria! It did go from straight to kinky. I was staring at him on Sunday as we ate lunch together; both he and Noah have heads of hair full of those coiled curls. I love it! I hope you're recovering well!

  10. Thanks, Jennifer! I always love a good trip down Memory Lane!

  11. Happy Happy Birthday to your Sweet Drew!

  12. I noticed all of those brown things outside yesterday and need to clean up as well. Hope y'all have the best family time tonight! Sounds like a big day ahead!

  13. I hope that you get good news at the doctor!

    I love that you are reading the Bible as a group with the women at your church. That sounds lovely!

  14. Happy Birthday to Drew! I hope you have a lovely dinner with him.
    It's my brother's birthday too!

  15. Happy Birthday to Drew. I attempt to do herbs in the house and they never work out very well.

  16. Thanks, Marilyn! Ugh. Those things are all over everything!

  17. Thanks, Erin! I love that, too. There's a large group of them meet on Wednesdays, which is so sweet!

  18. Thanks, Kirsten! How fun that it's your brother's birthday as well!

  19. Thanks, Adrienne! That's good to know. I'm thinking of trying mine in pots on our deck in the backyard. I'm hoping that will work!

  20. Happy birthday to your son! I hope you have fun celebrating.

    That Bible verse/devotional plan sounds very nice. I will have to look it up.

    Thank you for hosting this feature and glad to have found it this month.

  21. The photo of the boys inside the Costco milk/sour cream fridge is hilarious! You need to use that in a "Caption this" post. Happy Birthday Drew!

  22. Thanks, Lisa! I'm so glad you found us and hope you come back often. It's The Bible Recap community on the YouVersion Bible app. I hope you find it and enjoy getting started! Thanks for joining us this month!

  23. Pamela, they were so funny to do that! I also laughed because you immediately knew we were at Costco. We used to do school work in the mornings, then we'd go there around 11:30 to shop for groceries and to eat lunch. It was always fun doing that with all of them!

  24. Happy Birthday to Drew. I have grown herbs in a pot several times, but they rarely make it through our Texas summer heat. I have been "moving slow" this week after our big road trip, so didn't get a currently post done. next month!!

  25. Thanks, Tanya! I am sure you're exhausted after lots of travel. I didn't realize y'all made it a road trip! Those are so much fun, but they really drain you, right?

  26. Happy Birthday to your Drew! So great that you can have the family together to celebrate! I hear you on always having to buy groceries. I don't hate it, but it gets a bit old, to be honest. Hope you have a great week!

  27. Thanks, Kym! You are so right. It reminds me of meme about having to decide what's for dinner every night for the rest of our lives...who would have ever thought we'd dread that so much???

  28. While I totally prefer winter to summer, I do love seeing the green outside!
    Happy birthday to your son!


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