Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I am so glad you're here today to link up with all the things you have to be thankful for. Do you notice an improvement in your mood and attitude by being intentionally grateful each week? I know I do! I could write all the words on just that, but I'll jump on in with today's list. 

  • I am always thankful for a new month! In case you're new around here, the reason I love new beginnings each day/week/month/year is because they remind me of God's mercies that are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness! All of that comes out of Lamentations 3. 

  • I am thankful that even though all of us have been sick, that it hasn't been any worse than what it was. 

  • I am thankful that I didn't have to miss any work this week! It's not a big deal if I miss, I just love being there and don't want to miss if I don't have to. 

  • I am thankful for sweet friends who stop in to see me while I work! They come in for hugs, or coffee, or just to say hi, and they're all such a blessing to me. Also? It wouldn't be a day at work if I didn't get teary eyed at least once. 

  • I am thankful that it's been beautiful and sunny here this week. That vitamin D has felt amazing!

  • I am thankful for the gift of prayer. I say this each week, but in my job, I hear about a lot of different situations that need prayer. Each time I hear of one, I pray right then. This means that if they can hear me as well as they can see me on video camera in the main office, that they think I talk to myself all the time. I do, but that's not what I'm doing when I work! I am praying and I have the time to do it when nobody is in there. 

  • I am thankful that I can laugh with my husband. He feels terrible, but even in the midst of it all, we can laugh together. I said something to him last week that he thought was so funny that he choked on his water. I'm so glad that he thinks I'm that funny! I think he is too, and we've officially become that couple who sends Instagram reels and TikTok videos back and forth to each other all day. 

  • I am also thankful that he will eat anything I cook and never complain. So many of my friends husbands are not like this! He rarely gives me a reason to complain. (I almost said never there, and I backspaced and replaced that word with rarely. 🤣)

I can't wait to read your posts! What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I'm thankful my mother in law is home from the hospital! I'm thankful we haven't had any more snow accumulation this week. I'm thankful my friend hosted a fun pot luck dinner on Tuesday because that friend time has really put a smile on my face all week.

  2. Joanne, those are such great things to be thankful for, especially that special friend time. What in the world would we do without friends in our lives? I don't even like to imagine! I'm so grateful for all of mine.

  3. Lots of wonderful things for which to be thankful!

  4. The sunshine has been lovely this week! And one day, I am still going to come by and see you at the bookstore!

  5. Pamela, right? I feel the same. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Marilyn, I have enjoyed that too! And the spring-like weather. It's such a tease! Let me know when you want to stop by! I'll be there. I would say the best days are Tuesdays or Thursdays; if you come on Thursday, anytime after lunch is better.


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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