Wednesday, February 21, 2024

February ins & outs


Happy Wednesday, friends! Remember when I shared this same type post last month? I thought I'd continue on with that each month this year. This ins and outs trend is all about what we want to take in this year, and the things we want to let out. Here are some things I came up with for this month. 


  • decorating for Valentine's day and all of the seasons
  • being open about my struggles with people who need to hear that life is never easy
  • making great use of my time, like when my mom-in-love had lunch with me while I worked last Thursday
  • reading during commercial breaks and even while we watch a show at night
  • continuing on in my gratitude journal every morning
  • spending time with Jesus every morning
  • making sure to buy the things my people at home love to eat
  • sending Drew random Amazon packages to his house away from our home
  • spending time with Alex for any amount of time he can spare and checking in with him regularly
  • savoring the times when one of our sons wants to talk
  • hugs from the ones I love

  • complaining
  • being so uptight about the condition of our home (dog hair on the floor, a messy kitchen countertop, when someone leaves paper clutter all over the surfaces)
  • being ashamed of what I look like or trying to hide myself with clothes that don't fit
  • being inactive
  • neglecting to take the time to care for my very curly, very dry hair by treating it and using healthier products
  • neglecting my dry skin
  • rushing in general (those last two things often get skipped when time is running low)
  • not taking the time to pray for the people who ask me to pray
  • postponing get togethers with friends
  • saying no to Todd when he wants me to go with him somewhere like Costco or Walmart
  • procrastinating on things I don't love

Do you have any ins and outs for this month that you would add here? I'd love to hear them, if you do! This is something I am always thinking of: how I can improve my everyday life. The ideas are endless, but these are definitely some big ones for me right now. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all.

PS. Do you follow mirabellecreations on Instagram? If not, you should. I always love her graphics!


  1. I am with you on many of these things! We are just works in progress and just putting these in writing will help you stay committed! I really want you to read Nutja! It's so good and right up your alley! You do many of these things just like I do, but it was affirming and made me want to be Swedish. Will send you a pic and you can see if you can get on Kindle or at your library! I'm pushy - sorry!

  2. Amy, I've already looked in my Libby app, and I couldn't find it there. I'll probably just buy it, honestly! It looked good to me when you shared it from this weekend. We are all works in progress, right? Todd and I joke all the time about wanting to live in Sweden. Kidding, not can buy beautiful houses with land there for very little money! Also, isn't that one of the "happier" places on earth to live, because they incorporate play into work/school? I remember reading about it when my kids were young and I was disgusted over their rigorous school days in elementary school. (Another reason why we homeschooled.)

  3. Jennifer, I love the "In and Out" list! My In list would include: getting outside more, reading my Bible daily, cooking at home more and exercising. My Out list would be: not mindlessly eating during the day, not taking everything personally, being myself no matter how anyone else is acting (not letting someone else's mood dictate mine).

    And that book you and Amy mentioned sounds interesting!

    Have a wonderful day :)

  4. Thanks, Debbie! Your lists are great as well. I like the one about just being yourself. I ended up buying the book since I couldn't find it on Libby! I knew I would do that. I hope your day is great!

  5. Ok i can soooo relate to so many of these things- thanks for sharing- need to make my list now!

  6. I can definitely relate to these. Rushing is the worst, and I always forget something when that happens.

  7. Holly, I'd love to see the list you come up with!

  8. Tanya, rushing is THE WORST! Two of my sons are just like me and "on time" is actually late to them. (And to me too!)

  9. I try to read during commercial breaks too. haha
    This is a great in/out list. I can definitely relate to it.


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