Monday, January 22, 2024

weekend recap, 1.22.24.


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was pretty boring, thanks to the never ending snow that is hanging on for dear life. 🤪

We started off slow on Friday morning. Remember when I mentioned that Todd fell out of a ceiling a week and a half ago while he was on a work trip? And how we thought he was fine? Turns out, that's not quite the case. He has a very large hematoma on his upper thigh; he also managed to fully break two ribs. Because of his ribs, he's having to sleep reclined instead of flat on his back and has been sleeping downstairs. My mornings look a bit different now, because of this; I don't turn on the tv at all, and I only turn on one small light in the living room that won't wake him up. Not that I have to worry about this, because the dogs wake him up the second they come downstairs. He drove Noah to work one last time (his car is finally able to be driven now that a lot of the snow and ice has melted), then we just hung around here until eleven. We went to Kroger for some groceries, then we made a drive out to the country to check on my dad and Sandy. It was so beautiful out there! 

We also made a stop by Todd's shop to check on the pipes there, then we finally made our way back home. I got a text from Drew while I was out saying that he was going to be at home for the day. I urged him to bring some clothes in case he decided to spend the night, but he was pretty adamant about going back home. The bag that you see above is evidence that I have a son who no longer lives at home. Every time he comes over and leaves, I send him home with a goodie bag. I made a huge pot of tortilla soup; Drew was so happy to have one of his favorite meals. 

I talked Noah into a quick picture to document my happiness at all of my boys at home under my roof for an unexpected night. Drew left, then called telling me he had changed his mind, and he was coming back to spend the night. It was so great having them all home that night, and most of Saturday! 

And for the rest of the weekend, this is pretty much all that we did. 

I finished my book and we started watching the last season of The Voice. We had leftovers for dinner, and that was all we did. We did have church yesterday morning, so it was good to be there and be out of the house, then we were home again for the rest of the afternoon and evening. It's been so cold here that nothing is melting! Or, most of it isn't melting; it should do that today since we're finally getting back up in our temps. It's been nice and all, but I am more than ready to say goodbye to the white stuff. I'm ready to get out, for everyone to go back to work, and to carry on with life once more. I hope that happens today! 

What did you do this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Before I go, I'm curious who here read the book for Shay's online book club this month? I did and will be over there today participating in the comments section as we talk about what we read. You should join in with us for February! My only complaint is that this is online and not in person. I want to be in a book club so bad! Until then, this kind will have to do. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. I hear you - I bet you are so ready for your snow to melt! We have high 50s and rain coming this week and I say bring it! I am even going to try to get out to my covered patio to read!
    What was the book club book? I must have skimmed over that. I had a book club that I organized two different times and it worked really well and was a lot of fun. They each had about 8 members and usually only 6 could come. We rotated houses but we also did restaurants if that month's host chose that. They got to choose the book and lead discussion. It's a lot of fun!
    Poor Todd! Hope he heals quickly!

  2. How much fun to have all your boys under one roof! Our snow and ice is gone, but it’s still too cold and windy to get out and do much. At least the kids are back in school!

  3. I´m sorry to hear that about Todd. My weekend was much like yours- not a lot happened. The weather was bad and we stayed in most of it. We got to see Jacob like you got to see all of your boys so that was really nice. Jacob raids our pantry before he leaves (which I love!). I like to buy things that I know he will like to see in the pantry :). Your snow pictures are pretty. I didn´t take any of ours. Have a great Monday!

  4. Amy, that will be nice! We're supposed to hit the 50's this week as well (and even 61 one day), and we have rain forecasted. I'll be glad to see it, and am hoping it will wash away the leftover snow and ice.

    The book was The Last Love Note by Emma Grey. I organized a book club once as well, but there were too many of us. I may try it again soon. I really wish I'd thought of this in December!

  5. Megan, I'm glad to hear that your snow has melted! Our schools are out again today, because our neighborhoods are still so bad with ice. Even so, I'm busting my car out of the garage today. I can't wait!

  6. Thanks, Maria! I love that you saw Jacob this weekend. I like to do the same for Drew! I always, always, always send him home with a goodie bag stuffed with his favorites. It makes my heart so happy to have them all at home, and being able to send Drew away with food. Bless!

  7. Girl we have over a foot of snow on the ground but with 40s this week it’s all going to melt and be a yucky mess. I’m so sorry about Todd, his poor ribs and hematoma. I’m just still so darn glad he wasn’t hurt any worse. Nothing better than having all the boys under one roof! It is incredibly rare for us anymore. Have a great week sweetheart!

  8. Andrea, I feel for you! Ours turned really dirty looking late last week, so it's not even pretty to look at anymore. Ugh! Thanks for your kind words about my husband, I am still thankful for that as well. He's been such a great sport about all of this! I think he feels grateful as well, that it isn't any worse than what he experienced. You are so right about all the boys being here being such a wonderful gift. Those nights are few and far between! I hope you have a great week, as well, my friend!

  9. I am wishing Todd a speedy recovery- stay strong my friend XO

  10. Wishing Todd a speedy recovery! I love snow but there comes a time when there's too much of it for too long and it's time for it to be gone!

  11. I hope your hubby heals quickly. How fun to have all the boys home. I've never participated in a book club. I don't know if I'd like that or not. I do love my crocheting group and am so happy to be a part of that. Hope you have a great week.

  12. Thanks, Pamela! I wholeheartedly agree. I did get out on my own today! I was so excited.

  13. Thanks, Cathy! It was such a fun night. If you like to read, I bet you would love a book club! I seriously want to start one again.

  14. I hope Todd is feeling better soon. That snow is sure sticking around! How nice it was to have everyone under one roof for a night! I didn't finish the book club book. I had it on audio, and wasn't crazy about the narration so that might have influenced me. I also wish I had an in-person book club!

  15. Thank you, Tanya! It sure is, but so much of it melted today, thank the Lord. The rest will melt with the rain this week. I can see how the narration would make a difference in liking or disliking a book. I ended up loving the book, but I was skeptical for the first few chapters and a tiny bit confused. But I liked how it ended. If only we lived closer!!

  16. What a treat to have your boys at home! Man, I am sorry to hear about Todd. I hope he is able to heal quickly. Yay for melting snow and now to get our umbrellas for the week :).


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  Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this...