Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday, 1.25.2024.


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you've had a great week so far. I have; it's felt so good to be back to normal and to be able to drive easily on roads that aren't covered in snow and ice. I love all of that stuff for a short time, but I tire of it quickly. I'm not a big fan of feeling trapped in my house, and especially when I can't drive myself. And on that note...

I'm thankful that we had the beautiful snow to begin with. We went to see my Dad on Friday last week to take them a few things they were out of, and their property is never more beautiful than it was then.

As beautiful as it was, I'm so thankful it melted by Tuesday! We had rain move in, and the leftover snow disappeared with the first mist. 

I'm thankful that I've had the opportunity to catch up with my best friend this week. It's been ages since we've seen each other, but we've had some great text threads and even a conversation. 

I'm thankful that I have a friend/security guard who helps me out at work each week. He's my protector and is always quick to lock the doors when it reaches a certain time when I'm in the bookstore. Last night he did that for me, "kicking" people out in a nice way, and he wouldn't let one person back in who wanted to come in one more time. I am so glad he stays with me a lot! He is someone who is like a dad figure to me, before you think I feel this way inappropriately about some man who's not my husband. 🤣

I'm thankful that Todd is feeling so much better! He's still sleeping on the couch, but he's not having to wrap up with bandages anymore. That is great progress. 

I'm thankful that I've had great books to read lately. I was in a bit of a reading slump toward the end of 2023, so it feels good to be picking up good books. I'm planning on posting about this on Tuesday of next week. 

I'm thankful for praying friends! And I'm thankful to be able to pray for them. I will never take this for granted! I saw something online once that read something like, "Get you a friend who talks to God about you when you don't even know it." I am so blessed to say that I have those types of friends! 

I'm thankful, once again, for God's hand of protection over our family. I am always relieved to know that they're all safe and sound when I talk to them, and I'm grateful that they humor me in this. We had a scary situation happen in our town last night, with an attempted carjacking and shots fired at the young girl who got away. This was a student that Jonah and Noah knew when they were in elementary school, and I am so glad that she is okay and that things turned out the way they did. It's a scary world that we live in, but I don't ever want to live life afraid. I was praying about this on the way to church last night, and I prayed this verse out loud: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. (2 Timothy 1:7) I thanked God for this reminder as I prayed about what happened; I know that regardless of how things turn out, He is good, and He is my ultimate Protector. 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog and linking up today! Love to all. 


  1. Lots of great blessings in your life this week. Glad Todd is doing better and your Dad's property looks like a winter wonderland.

  2. That is scary about the car jacking. Can you imagine being the young lady in that scenario? I feel like being frightened in a particular moment is normal even knowing that God is in control ultimately. Your snow pictures are so pretty, but, yes, driving on slick roads is not fun especially when drivers are not used to it. Glad Todd is on the mend- hope he continues to improve. Have a great Thursday!

  3. I was wondering if Todd was able to sleep more comfortably yet, so that is good news. So scary about the things that are happening in the world - why?
    I am also so grateful for this winter weather reprieve! We've had rain, but I have enjoyed opening my classroom windows and talking to my students about fresh air. They probably think I'm so annoying, but honestly, I think and know they are nature deprived and need more time outside. We don't even walk anywhere in this country like they do in other countries and that helps so much with mental health.
    I am actually grateful for a normal 5 day week at school and I have actually taught new content! Finally! It's been since second week of December/third week of December because we had semester finals and then all the weather.

  4. I'm thankful that they seem to have (finally!) figured out what is wrong with my mother in law and I pray that her surgery goes well tomorrow (and will actually fix what is wrong!). I'm also thankful the rain we got yesterday that will continue through today and tomorrow and most of the weekend is rain and not snow/ice.

  5. Maria, I agree, and I would be terrified in the moment if that ever happened to me. I just don't want to live being afraid to do things/go places because of what could (or couldn't) happen. Thank you for that about Todd! He is getting better each day. I hope you have a great day!

  6. Amy, isn't that crazy that it was so close to us? You literally cannot get away from crime, and Memphis seeps into our community in this way. She'd driven home from there, either from work or school, and they followed her all the way home. You are so right about young people being deprived of fresh air! It's great that you have windows to open up and to freshen up your space. I know that you love that!

  7. Joanne, I am so glad to hear that they figured that out for her! Keep us posted on how she does. I'll pray for her this morning! I will take rain any day over ice or snow!

  8. As a car-jacking survivor I'm thankful that young lady was able to get away. If your boys are still friends with her, please have them encorage her to get counseing. I never did and STILL (almost 30 years later) have PTSD about it sometimes late at night.

  9. I love that verse in Timothy. It has given hubby and I great comfort through the years. The lane to your father's home is beautiful in the snow. I've slowed down on my reading for the last couple weeks. Hopefully, I'll get back into it this weekend.

  10. You are blessed my friend. So glad Todd is feeling better. I am grateful for slightly warmer temps, melting snow, passing a certification test, family and friends :)

  11. Glad you have someone in your corner at work looking out for you! Also glad to hear Todd is continuing to heal. I'm thankful for the power of prayer.


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