Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Let's look: closet organization


Welcome to my Wednesday bonus post! I read the topic of today's Let's Look link party and had to join in, because it's a fun one. I'm linking up with Shay and Erika for this one. I'll jump in, because I love organization!

Right before Christmas, I decided to do another major closet clean-out. I feel like I am always maintaining that space, because it's such a small area that gets easily cluttered and becomes a hot mess. Todd and I share our closet, and we also keep all of our clothes in there, even the ones that are out of season. I have said before that we have a modestly sized home; it's large to some people and would be small to others, but we've all fit in it perfectly for the last twenty years. That being said, we use every square inch of space that we have, because as you'd imagine with four kids, we have had a lot of stuff. Organization has always been my thing that was born out of necessity. So, as I said, I am always working on our closet. 

Before Christmas, I took about an hour and did a much-needed purge. There were items of clothing I hadn't worn two years in a row, so I donated all of them to someone who lives in our area. I found her on a Facebook group, and within twenty minutes of me sharing, she was here picking up the items. That's the best: when you don't even have to take them anywhere! I just took out the items for donation and folded them neatly into a bag, then I reorganized my hanging items. I keep out of season items on the far left and right sides of my closet, then everything else goes in between the "book ends". I arrange my sleeve length, color, and texture, which is what best works for me. That's the key in closet organization or any in any other area in the home; everyone should do whatever works best for them. 

Here's somewhat of an example. My shoes stay on the floor in rows, and I just try to make the best use out of the space I have. Also in the last six months, I helped Noah organize and clean out his closet, because it was overwhelmingly messy. 

We got rid of everything he hadn't worn in a couple of years, we threw away a lot of stuff that needed to be tossed, and it has pretty much stayed like this ever since. He has to go in and straighten up on occasion because of his early work hours, but you get the picture. I love doing this kind of thing and was glad to help Drew and his roommates last summer when they moved. My "job" was unpacking the kitchen/laundry and organizing its contents. It was so much fun and I loved that they were so grateful for my help. I love those boys to pieces and would do anything for them! 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I can't wait to read the other posts in the link party since this is a favorite topic of mine. Love to all! 


  1. I like your "book ends" system.

  2. My closet is needed a redo. It's not terrible, but it could be better. lol

  3. That is so great that you found someone locally to take the clothes. I need to do this too!

  4. Cathy, I know that feeling. Mine had gotten really bad before I cleaned it before Christmas!

  5. Tanya, I found this lady through our local "pass it on" group on Facebook. I would bet that you have one similar for your area! We even posted our attic clean-out items when Jonah did that back in the fall, and most of it was gone within one hour. I feel like it's helpful for lots of people who have to be careful about money, and it's helpful for the one giving it away as well! Most people would be willing to make the extra drive for something free that they need. You should look into this for your area!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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