Monday, October 9, 2023



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was good, and I hope yours was too! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

I kicked my weekend off with a leisurely morning spent catching up on blog posts from last week that I missed, and then doing a bit of cleaning before Dad got here. And then I got to see my sweet Daddy! It was so good to see him, since it had been a couple of weeks since I last laid eyes on him. We grabbed some lunch and brought it home, and then enjoyed catching up for the rest of the afternoon. It was a good day! Sandy came to pick him up, so after they left, I weeded in our flower beds for a while before coming back inside to figure out my dinner. I ended up having some leftovers from when I'd been gone this week. I sat outside for a while with the dogs after I ate dinner; Todd worked a shift with the sheriff's department, so I watched some movies I'd recorded recently. 

I was playing around with my phone and took these last two pictures. I watched a video on how to take better pictures with your phone, and these were taken using the advice they gave. I also finally got around to writing a blog post about things I've Primed lately...did you happen to catch it when it posted on Saturday? Here's a link to it, if you'd like to read about things I bought and loved.

I was up early with the pups on Saturday after a good night of sleep, thanks to the cozy season being what it is and sleeping with open windows, so I watched a movie early that morning while I sipped on coffee. That's always something I love doing on Saturdays!

I watched this adorable movie on Netflix; it was every bit as cute as I'd hoped it would be. Shortly after the movie ended, I got dressed for the day, then left to pick up my groceries that I'd ordered yesterday. I made the bed first, and added this blanket to the end since we got cold last night.

I came home to unload really quickly, then I left again to meet up with my mom and my sister Trish. We needed to go to Target, Home Goods, and Ulta. After Target, we had chips and dips for lunch at our favorite Saturday lunch place, then we did the rest. I was looking for a candle, and some K cups that I'd had while I was out of town. I didn't find the ones I was looking for, but I did find some other ones to try. I do like flavored coffee at night, or in the morning when it's brewed and poured over ice. I dropped them back at their car, then I went to get a pedicure. 

I got this color by OPI—Charmed I'm Sure.

It's really pretty on my toes! 

I came home to a house full of guys watching football, so I read my book and eventually got up to make a pot of our favorite soup on a perfect fall day. 

Are you a fan of taco soup? This was exceptional! I cleaned up, read some more, did some blog work while watching this favorite Fall Hallmark movie (October Kiss), then joined my hubby outside for a bit before going to bed. 

It was the perfect fall day and night! I'm so relieved to say that, because it's been so hot for weeks on end. Our high that day was 65, which was amazing. I love living my best fall loving girl life! And that's about it for our weekend...on Sunday we went to church and came home to get comfy for the rest of the day. We thought about going out for dinner, but quickly decided to just stay home in our comfies. We watched tv, I read, we was an excellent day. 

How was your weekend? What was your favorite part of yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I bet it felt great to have a "normal" Friday and Saturday! Yes to the cooler fall temps! It's hard to know what to wear - I've forgotten how to dress for fall.

  2. Love the pictures, including the one when you first open up your blog. So pretty as are the pics you took on your deck. Hooray for wonderful temps of falls! It sure felt fall, here, too which was really nice. Your weekend seems great- a mixture of fun, relaxation, spending time with loved ones, and productivity. I love weekends like that! Have a great Monday!

  3. Hi Jennifer! It sounds like the perfect weekend! I love taco soup :) In fact, I love most soups and could eat them all year round.

    The dogs look like they love being with your dad :)

    Have a wonderful day :)

  4. Amy, it did! I love traveling, but there's never any place quite like home. I love being here! I had to remember how to dress for fall myself! The shirt you saw in the picture I took of myself is my favorite shirt to wear during this time of year. I almost put something over it, but was afraid I'd get hot. I love the cooler weather!

  5. Thanks, Maria! I did a little blog updating last night and wanted to go back to the simple plan so that I can change it up with the holidays. I used to do that all the time! I'm so glad your weekend was cooler as makes this time of year so much fun! You're right about it being the perfect kind of weekend. I love it when it all turns out like that!

  6. Your fall decorations are beautiful!

  7. What a sweet picture of your Dad with the dogs! Love at First Sight was cute, several bloggers have commented they enjoyed it. Nothing better than being in your comfies on a Sunday afternoon!

  8. Sounds like a great weekend - and so nice to be home! No place like home, that's for sure:) The puppies look like they are just as happy and excited to have your dad at the house as you are!! Hooray for Taco Soup weather!!:)

  9. That sounds like such a wonderful weekend! I find I have been sleeping better with the house being colder at night too.

  10. I love seeing the moments you and your dad spend together; so precious!

    I need to go read your prime purchases post... those are some of my favorites from bloggers!!

    Oh! And I had a friend suggest "Love at First Sight" to me... I need to watch it yet.

  11. It sounds like a perfect weekend. We enjoyed cooler temperatures with football on the patio.

  12. What a great weekend friend! The fall weather was perfect. I didn't even leave home Saturday. I know you were so thankful to spend time with your dad again. Yay for taco soup, chips and dip, sitting outside without sweating and fall Hallmark movies!

  13. I love the new blog header and the photos you took. I need to learn how to take better pictures on my phone! I have also been loving sleeping with the windows open. Love the blanket you added to the end of the bed. Gimme all the cozy things!! The highlight of my weekend was getting everyone's wardrobe switched to fall/winter clothes and taking a full inventory of what we had and what we needed.

  14. Thanks, Pamela! You are so right about being at home and comfy.

  15. Thanks, Jennifer! You're so right. I do think they were happy to see him! We always say that, because they all love him.

  16. Thanks, Joanne! That's funny that you do that too. I love when it's cold enough outside to do that!

  17. Thanks, Bri! Those are always my favorite posts too!

  18. Marilyn, I'm sure you were glad to be back home! I wouldn't have left either, if I were you. I'm so happy about this great weather!

  19. Thanks, Leah! It does take some thought, which I find myself thinking of more often than ever before. You'll start doing the same thing before long, I bet. That's great that you got that done! I always dreaded that task each season that the weather changed.


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