Saturday, September 23, 2023

Welcome, Fall.


Happy Fall, friends, and welcome to my bonus Saturday post! I wasted no time sprucing up the rest of our home for the season this weekend. Last night Todd and I centered our date around my food craving and the fact that I wanted some pumpkins and some mums. He was happy to oblige, like the wonderful husband he is. I'm so fortunate! With that being said, welcome to our home, and come on in!

First up, let me say that the mums at Costco are hard to beat. They are massively huge in size, and one is $17. I can hardly believe that as I wrote that sentence, but it's true! We put one pumpkin and mum out front, and we put the other two on our deck. I still love my pumpkin door hanger as much as the day I bought it a few years ago.

Funny fact: for years I've contemplated painting the front door, but I've never been able to decide on a color. If I don't leave it white, I would probably paint it black. Honestly at this rate, I might as well just leave it as is. I don't mind it being white at all, especially when I see this pumpkin hanging there. 

So much of what I have, I have had for years. Some has been handed down, some is what I've picked up over the years from places like Home Centric, Home Goods, or Hobby Lobby. I love to buy things when they're marked down at one of those places. Do you use artificial flowers in your home? I do and don't mind them here and there. I usually don't purchase artificial flowers, but just plants. I couldn't pass up this arrangement of mums, though.

I love our scarecrows! My mom-in-love bought one for each boy when they were growing up, because she knew they'd love them. Sadly, over the years, one bit the dust. We're down to three now, but they're still standing tall.

I included this candle, because I love our home to smell like the season. I love the candles from Home Goods, Marshall's, or TJ Maxx, the DW Home brand. I like the Yankee candles as well, but honestly, these are just as good and for a fraction of the price. 

I love to use books in my home decor! I change them up with the season, and these below seemed appropriate. 

I keep this owl out all year long, because I love how quirky he is. 

I don't really have a lot of Jack O-Lanterns sitting around now, but I do have one or two. 

I shared this picture yesterday, but I love how the hearth looks in the living room. I love the banner of leaves hanging under the mantel lights. 

I had this container sitting around, and I had these sticks and flowers, so I put them on top of the mantel. I love how whimsical it looks sitting up there. 

I bought two new pumpkins recently, to replace a couple that were broken during their off season in our attic.

I added a few simple touches in the dining room...

And I had fun decorating the tiered stand in the kitchen. 

I always love my little Halloween people that I keep in the bathroom.

And here's the other mum we bought from Costco on the deck. I don't know if I'll keep it there or move it, but look how huge!

This is my favorite fall scented cleaner from Mrs. Meyers. I've been using it in the bookstore too, and people love the smell when they come in! 

Have you decorated yet? I'd love to see it, if you have! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. Hi Jennifer! I'm a brand new reader and very new to blogging. I'm so happy I found your blog! Are you a mom of 4 boys? Is that what the site title means? I have 4 boys too!

    Your home is absolutely lovely and I love how you've decorated it for fall. I haven't decorated for fall much yet, but when I do, it will be pretty minimal because I don't have a lot of decorations and I don't want to buy more. I do a lot of decorating with the fall crafts that the kids bring home from school and church ha!

    I haven't tried that scent of cleaner, but I have the mum scent and it's amazing!!!

  2. I love it!! I thought this weekend was share four somethings, so I am ready, lol!

  3. Love all your fall touches, especially your front door pumpkin!

  4. Leah, I'm so glad you stumbled onto my blog! I saw you on Instagram too, and gave you a follow back. I'll have to check out your blog! Yes, I have four sons, who are all in their twenties now. What a coincidence! They're 24, 23, and our twins are 20. I remember the days that you're going through right now and thought I'd be there forever...I miss those times a lot sometimes, but I also love their adult selves right now. I've always loved each stage of their lives, and I'm sure you feel the same.

    Thanks for the comment love, and for stopping by! I'll see you soon over on your blog!

  5. Thanks, Cindy! You made me laugh over that. We've got one more week, but it's good that you're ready ahead of time!

  6. Oh this fall-ish post is so lovely, inviting, and inspirational, Jennifer! I've surrounded myself with pumpkins and candles, and mums mixed in with the green plants that are still alive and kicking.

    I can't wait to start clipping some fresh bittersweet for wreaths and all kinds of containers.

    I love fall!

  7. Thanks for the tip on the Costco mums - if I'm not too late. My plan for fall break is to do all the fall decorating that I haven't done (I've done a bit), buy mums and pumpkins, and enjoy!
    I plan to donate anything I don't want to put out. I am really into white pumpkins and have several small ones! I agree on the candles from those places and love a candle in a mason jar. I also love wooden stands to set the candles upon!

  8. Your house looks so Fall-ish! I love it! You might have inspired me to get out my decor for Fall. So what if it's still 95 degrees :)

  9. Oh! Everything looks so cozy- thanks so much for sharing and for all of the fall inspiration :)

  10. Thank you, Linda! I really do love this time of year. I'm glad you were inspired!

  11. Amy, I hope you can find some! We had tons leftover at ours. When is your fall break? It must be coming up soon!

  12. Debbie, that's how I feel! It's back in the 90's for us this week, too, but inside feels like fall!

  13. Thank you, Holly! It's my best time of year!

  14. I adore the little Halloween people.

  15. Everything looks so lovely! I just decorated the inside for fall today but will have to put off the outside for a day or two until the rains die down.... and I find my outdoor decor which I think might be hiding in the basement somewhere. I know I thought I had found the perfect spot for it when I started decorating for Christmas last year but can't remember where that is!

  16. Great post! I love your decorations - the front door/porch area is so inviting and the fireplace and mantle and beautiful. You have so many homey touches tucked here and there - such a joy to see.

  17. Thanks, Joanne! You just made me laugh. I hope you find it soon!

  18. Thank you, Jen! I love them too. My family members hate them! 🤣

  19. Thank you, Pamela! That is so sweet of you to say. I love to decorate and come from a family full of women who are just like me. I grew up in this line of work, so it just feels like second nature to me by now. I hope your week got off to a great start!

  20. Your house looks gorgeous all decked out for fall!!!

  21. Thank you, Bri! You know how much I love this time of year!


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