Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What's on my phone?


Happy Tuesday, friends! It's been a while since I've done this type of post, but I came across the idea for it when I was searching for content inspiration recently. I love knowing what people have and use on their phones, so I thought I would share mine. This is a recent picture of my phone after I got a new case for summer. I love to change up my phone covers for the seasons, and I always keep a Pop Socket on it. I love these little covers on Amazon. They're inexpensive and do a great job of protecting my phone the many times I drop it. 

First, you should know that my husband and I are not Apple people, so we have Android phones. I don't know if you can organize apps into folders like this on Apple phones, but I like to keep everything nice and tidy on my home screen, of which I only have two pages. This little tidbit about me should not surprise you! I also hate to see red numbers in the app's notifications, but I'd just taken my dogs outside and the garage camera picked up on our movement as they walked around.

I keep the folders organized according to how I use the apps. That "most used" folder is the one that does what its name suggests. I also keep the apps inside each folder alphabetically arranged. You either love me by now, or you hate me. I don't know what exactly this says about my personality, but I'm letting you in on all my quirks. Also, I like to change my phone's lock screen and wallpaper pretty frequently. I search for such things on Pinterest by typing in "phone wallpapers", then I screenshot the image. I edit the photo on my phone and trim it, then I "use as" both lock screen and wallpaper. I've actually had this one for a while and am about to change it again. I also keep that toolbar at the bottom organized with what I use the most—so you see my text messages, the phone, Group Me, the play store, and my camera. 

Here are most of my other apps. The Bible study folder contains the Bible I use during church for events with notes, and some apps I use for writing and for singing in the choir and on a praise team at church. The next one is books and the apps I use for that, like the Libby app and Good Reads, followed by food-shopping-travel, then smart home. Todd has made our home almost completely smart for the devices. We have cameras on the front and back of our house so that we can see all the angles, we have the front porch camera and garage camera as well, which is nice so that I can check to see who is about to come in. You never know over here! Also, we can open our garage remotely, and turn our lights on and off all via these apps that you see. Todd has his phone set up so that he can tell his Google assistant "goodnight", and all of the lights in the house turn off when he goes to bed. 

I used to be such a paper calendar girl! I still am, honestly, but the phone is the only thing I always have with me, so I have completely converted to using only this app. I put everything on this calendar, and it helps that Todd and I can sync ours to see the others. I keep birthdays here, events, when I get my hair or nails done, and all the other typical calendar stuff. 

Lastly, this is probably my most used app on my phone, my notes app.

Someone here in the blog world recommended using emojis for each title so that it's easy to find. I have so. many. notes! Here are just a few of mine. I keep a running grocery list, a meal inspiration note, what I do on weekends, things I need to get done around home, and ideas for what to do on a girl's day out with my mom and sister. I don't think I could live without my notes app! I have other things there as well, like notes for meetings, ideas for worship songs when I'm helping with that for Bible study, books I want to read, and a realistic bucket list of trip ideas for me and the hubby. 

It's your turn! What apps do you have on your phone that you love? Do you keep yours all neat and tidy like mine, or is your screen full of little squares? We can still be friends if you tell me! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. We can still be friends... but I am living my best life in our "dumb house" (we aren't fans of having smart devices besides our phones in our house, lol). I change my phone cover every few years. I've never had a sock pocket thing (I think that's the name...). I've had the same pictures as my background for the past three years. I don't organize the apps on my phone. I rarely use the notes feature on my phone. I don't use the calendar on my phone. It is interesting how people's phones- from what features they use to what apps they have- are a reflection of their interests and proclivities!

  2. Maria, you made me laugh out loud! I love to see/hear about people and how they function. To each her own, right? I never thought we'd be a "smart house"- Todd started buying these things one or two at a time and he's almost completely converted us over to the way he likes it now. I will say, our cameras have come in super handy. We use them all the time to see when something happened...we got them a few years ago when a neighbor backed into the front of the truck the twins were sharing. It was her word against theirs...the next month we had cameras installed. That's what got us started!

    As for all the phone stuff- I finally decided to start using mine for what it actually is- my mini personal computer. I fought it for years, but I've finally embraced it now. You're right, we'll always be friends no matter our differences. 😉🤣

  3. Your phone is way more organized than mine! I do clean off apps regularly that I don't end up using much. I use my notes app much like yours. I honestly put a lot of reminders in my camera roll by screenshotting. I then transfer to my paper planner.

  4. Yes you can create folders on the iphone and now I feel like I have to seeing how organized you are- ha! Great suggestions and love the emoji idea :)

  5. Amy, I use my camera roll as well, but I transfer it to my notes app usually. I need to go through my apps and clean them out again...I do that every so often, but it's been a while.

  6. Holly, I have so many weird quirks...my whole phone system is one big one. Ha! I also loved the emoji suggestion for notes- it really does help me find things easier. Have a great day, my friend!

  7. My phone is organized similarly and I hate seeing those red numbers too. Great idea for a post!

  8. This was fun to read. I hate the red numbers too and I'm not fond of folders on my phone screen...although, I do like how yours is so organized. First of all hubby and I are Apple phone and ipad users. We switched over probably 10 years ago or maybe more. We both love them. That being said, I don't mind the android phones either. I have 4 screens with items I use fairly regularly. I only have 1 folder and it's title extra and it's for items I rarely use, but I don't want to take them off the phone either. I love seeing how we all do things differently and sometimes I make some changes when I see how someone does something and I think it could make my life easier. I really did enjoy seeing how you do your phone, but I could never be that organized, but yes, we can still be friends. lol

  9. Jennifer,
    You are super organized! We are an all MAC/APPLE family and you can create folders on your phone and iPad.
    I took the time to do that one year and then undid all of it because I'm an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of person. I need to see all of what's there, or I will forget about it.

    I do love my NOTES section, but will now add emojis for easier navigation.

    I know what you mean about embracing the phone technology. I fought it and still don't utilize it in all the ways my kids do. I'm still a paper planner kind of girl, again because if it's tucked inside my phone, I won't remember it's there.

    I do love the camera benefit though with the smart apps option. That changes everything when it comes to being able to know what's going on at home when you're not there.

  10. Can you come organize my phone for me? ;) My home screens are a disaster! lol

  11. Oh wow, your phone is so organised! My apps are a total mess.

    Corinne x

  12. Thanks, Tanya! Great minds think alike!

  13. Thanks, Cathy! It's funny to read how different everyone is with things like this. I'm so glad we're still friends!

  14. Debbie, you made me laugh! I totally get "out of sight, out of mind". I was like that at first as well, but I've gotten used to it by now. It drives my husband bonkers when he goes to look for something on my phone, like the camera or Instagram.🤣

    I mean, we might as well embrace our phones fully, right? They're certainly not going away. I don't know that we'll ever be as advanced as our kids!

  15. Obscure Sorrows- Right?! I could start a side gig.

  16. Corinne, your phone is probably the normal. I'm the weird one! 🤣


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