Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Currently, January 2023

Happy Wednesday, friends! Welcome to the first Currently link party of 2023! Today we're talking about what we're currently loving, resolving, organizing, anticipating and eating

loving: I am currently loving my clean and decluttered house. I took all the Christmas décor down, but kept some wintry things out. I mentioned the pallet tree all lit up with bright white lights last week, but I also keep out some signs, some trees, and this greenery on the mantle. I love the brightly colored garland I hung there over the weekend! It was one of the purchases I made from the store we visited Saturday, John Mark's. 

I am loving using new resources for my quiet time so far this week. Because I love to read, I always want to make sure and also be diligent in reading the Bible every year, and most years I read it through from cover to cover. I read chronologically in 2022 and wanted to switch things up for 2023, so I will be journaling through either the old testament or the new testament this year. I'll read one chapter (maybe more on days when I'm not working) a day for five days a week, then I'll write in my journal about what I read using the HEAR method. HEAR stands for highlight, explain, apply, respond (in prayer). I also accidentally came across this great devotional that I thought was a book and will be doing one a day in 2023 as well. It's so good! I love Bob Goff and had the privilege of hearing him speak and meeting him twice. He's written other books that I think you should read, but I'd start with Love Does. I linked it there in the title. 


That's him behind us and that's me with dark hair...actually, it was a burgundy color. (NEVER AGAIN.)

I am loving using the library again and have been borrowing nonfiction books every couple of weeks. 

I am loving my newest Chatbook that I bought myself for the year 2022. I love having this to look back on and I like to put them out to where I can easily get to them. Have you ever made one of these? 

And I am loving  changing the wallpaper and lockscreen for my phone every few days. I had this one after Christmas, but I changed it on New Years day to a pretty image of a Bible verse I'm memorizing. I'll share more about that in a few minutes. 

resolving: I really don't make resolutions, because I don't like to set myself up for failure. That being said, this year I am resolving to say yes more often. I am saying yes to new things, things that scare me, things that are healthier, date nights & my husband, new foods, and things that are good for me. 

I am organizing everything in the house, it seems. I spent a good chunk of time on Friday organizing the pantry and it looks and is so much nicer now that it's neat and tidy. I organized in the laundry room and cabinets on Sunday, and hope to work on different areas all month long. I love doing this kind of thing! There's nothing quite as satisfying as clean and organized cabinets, spaces, and nooks. 

anticipating: I am anticipating it being a good and productive week, and hopefully month! I can't say enough how much I love new beginnings. There is such a spiritual picture in them for me, because when Jesus saved me and changed my life, He took me from that old way of life and made me new. 

eating: I am currently eating things that are healthier for me. I mentioned on Monday that I have been eating gluten free since the day after Christmas. I did this in the summer of 2020 after weeks of being on lockdown and not only did I drop some weight, I ridded myself of all the inflammation in my body. It's known that gluten causes inflammation in the body, which is why when I give it up, nothing hurts. In case you didn't know, I have problems with my feet. I used to work in a school with concrete floors, so that caused me to have tendinitis in both of my ankles, and I have broken the same bone in the same foot two times. That has caused me to have arthritis in that foot, needless to say, and contributes to why my feet always bother me. So, that's why I am resolving to eat healthier and to give up gluten again. 

I've been spending lots of time pinning recipes, so in case you're interested, here is my Pinterest board that I named, "healthy food". 

What about you? I'd love to hear what you're currently loving, resolving, organizing, anticipating, and eating! Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for linking up with me today! I'll be here posting all week, so come back and visit. Love to all! 

*Thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate link!*

P.s. In February we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, feeling, posting, receiving and seeing. That date will be Wednesday, February 1st. 


  1. I love your garland it's so bright and cheery! Sorry to hear that you have problems with your feet. My husband has terrible pain in his feet as he works in hospitality. I wonder if he would also benefit from a gluten-free diet. Not sure if he would be too thrilled about it but I will have to look into it for him.Thanks for sharing as I didn't know about the connection between gluten and inflammation. I have also been busy organising and decluttering. It feels so satisfying! I hope you have a fantastic week Jennifer. And thanks for hosting this fun linkup.😊

  2. Thanks, Ruth! And for the kind words. I am thrilled to be pain free right now, thanks to my changed eating habits. It feels great to feel good! I'm so glad you joined us today! I'm off to read your blog now! 💜

  3. OH the feet. I didn't even teach yesterday- just walked around to sessions and in my classroom and I woke up today with a bit of the foot pain from the cement floors. I can and need to wear my tennis shoes more.
    I love your winter decor and I think that is a great idea to keep some things up. I do have a January bin but I have been avoiding getting it out because my bins aren't that organized. Speaking of which, I am waiting for my purging energy to come out. I need to declutter so many areas of my home and I do this each January.
    Thank you for the link up!

  4. Amy, I remember well that kind of pain! It's seriously what messed my feet up. Your Dansko clogs would be good to wear at work! You should try them and give them a trial run. Thanks for that! I was that with our Christmas decorations and I organized and got rid of a lot this year. I understand how that makes you not want to do something...I am that type of person that if it's a mess visually, I can't deal with it until it's better.

    Thanks for joining us!

  5. I love the clean and organization that January brings. I hope to start on doing those things next week. Right now, I don't feel like I have a clean or organized house! Good for you on gluten free and keep up the good work!

  6. "Grace" is my theme this year so thank you for sharing- this looks very inspirational- love a clean home going into January too- keep us posted on your gluten free diet- sounds so healthy! I love gathering recipes and inspiration from Pinterest too!

  7. Me too, Marilyn! Hopefully you'll get around to your house next week. I know you're still enjoying your girls being at home! Thanks for that, my friend. Have a great day!

  8. Holly, you should check out that devotional! I loved it so much when I borrowed it from the library that I went to buy it for myself on Saturday. You would love this and it's perfect with your word or theme for the year. I always quote the verse the verse that paraphrases about the Lord gives us grace upon grace...what a gift! Thanks for linking up today, my friend!

  9. Going gluten free seems very hard. I'm dealing with back pain and leg pain so I wonder if it might help me too though.

  10. I enjoyed reading your post. I love your mantle. Oh I watched Disenchanted on Monday. You were right, it was good and just fun! Hope you have a good day.

  11. Getting that Bob Goff book NOW - I ADORE his wisdom & humor!
    & I had to do a double take with you with dark hair LOL

  12. I agree with you on so much of what you've written! I am working slowly to get the house back in order and organization is high on my list. I am also eating better and look forward to seeing changes soon!!

  13. I love wintery decorations that aren't necessarily "Christmas" and your mantel with the garland is beautiful! I'll try to change out to some non-Christmas winter decor this weekend. Thanks for the Bob Goff book recommendation - we recently did a small group based on his material and I really enjoyed him. Happy New Year!

  14. I love a fresh start too! The start of a new year, a new season, etc, makes me so happy!!!

  15. Your new garland looks lovely! I've been purging things more than just organizing areas and I think it's a bit weird at times how happy that makes me (even more so when I can find a home for what I want to get rid of!).

  16. Dara, it's been easier than I thought it would be! I'm basically just skipping things with white flour and starchy foods. I'm no professional of course, but it's worth doing some research. I always recommend talking to a trusted doctor as well. I have several friends who are in the medical profession and they've helped me out a lot. Thanks for joining us today!

  17. Thanks, Cathy! For the sweet words and for joining us today! I'm so glad you liked the movie... I love that it's another place to watch clean movies. I'll watch more there over the weekend, most likely. Have a great rest of your week, my friend!

  18. Rebecca Jo, I love him too! And I know, right? Never again...never, ever, ever!

  19. Thanks for joining us today, Maria! I know you're looking forward to getting things back in order and to eat better again. It makes such a difference in how we feel!

  20. Thank you, Kym! Happy new year to you as well, and thanks for joining us today. You should check out his book- you would love it, if you enjoyed his other books. I just love him!

  21. Natasha, me too! Thanks for linking up with us today!

  22. Thanks, Joanne! It makes me so happy to do this kind of thing too...I love for things to be pretty, neat, and tidy. I'm glad you joined us today!

  23. Hi Jennifer - thanks for the link-up! I love your 'resolution' for the year and will definitely be taking a peek at your recipe board on Pinterest.

  24. Thanks for linking up and stopping by, Wendy! You should definitely go check it out. I've already used several of the recipes! I modified them according to what we like and what I already had, but so far so good!

  25. Yay! It is still going! I remember Anne saying someone else would be hosting the currently link up. I am happy to have found you. I will be joining in next month! I am starting a new link up too, called First Friday Favorites! I will be sharing the currently link up there next month!! Thanks for keeping this going! I am loving getting back into going to the library too. We just moved to a new city and I finally got my new library card.

  26. Melanie, I know, I was so glad to keep this fun link party going for Anne. I'm thankful she didn't mind me doing that for her! Thanks for stopping by today, I'll look forward to you joining us next month. I hope you had a great week/weekend!

    P.s. I do keep this link open for the entire month.

  27. I just picked up some books from the library which is such a great feeling. I'm chipping away at getting our house organized. After the holidays, sometimes that feels overwhelming for me, so I just chip away at it bit by bit. I hope you've had a great weekend!

  28. Jen, that's awesome! I am like of my mottos in life is baby steps toward's still progress! Thanks, I hope you have as well!

  29. That's great you are really using your library. I definitely want to get more books from there. I used to work at one, so I'd check stuff out all the time.

    I definitely need to eat less gluten as it's not great for my digestive system (along with things like dairy) so that's something I need to focus more on this year too.

    Lauren @

  30. Lauren, I hope you start using your library again! I can't imagine life without ours. If you end up trying GF, let me know how it works for you!

  31. Cleaning out cupboards and closets is a fantastic feeling!

    Hope you're having a fabulous start to 2023 :)

  32. Kristin, it really is! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  33. I put in this month's share 4 somethings I am loving the library too! I also read quite a bit of nonfiction :)


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