Thursday, November 3, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week is going well! This post feels different this month, since we've officially entered into the holiday season, whatever season you're looking at in your home right now. If you know, you know. 😉 

I'm being more intentional about gratitude in my journal this month, since we're in the month of Thanksgiving. Here are a few things I've written down for this week that are straight from the pages of my journal. 

I'm thankful for the unexpected opportunity I had to sing and help lead in worship last week at church. I got a text Sunday morning from a young lady who asked me to fill in for her. I was glad to do it, even if it meant I wasn't prepared.

I am always thankful for safety for my family. We had storms here Saturday and everyone was out—and one of them had made plans to drive to about two and a half hours away to Oxford, Mississippi to hang out with friends, but his plans changed at the last minute. One thing I know: God is sovereign! 

I'm thankful for the kind of friends that are forever. We went to the funeral of the dad of our dearest couple friends, the ones who were our "just in case" people when Todd and I traveled abroad. In the case of our deaths, they would have been awarded custody of our sons and we made a will stating that.

I am thankful that it's Hallmark Christmas movie watching season!

I am thankful for early morning blog reading and the friends within this beautiful community.

I am thankful for the prompting to have my quiet time each morning before I go to work. I'd been getting behind in my Bible reading so that I could have that time later in the day, only to be too tired to do it at that point and have to catch up over the weekends.

I am thankful for the fact that I love going to work on the days I work. 

I'm thankful for Kroger click list! I order my groceries every Sunday night and pick them up on Monday after I leave work.

I'm thankful for a night on Halloween, visiting with neighbors and I'm thankful for our beautiful neighborhood.

It was such a great night out!

I'm thankful for things like laughing so hard at work with my best friend that we can't function for ten minutes when someone scared me so bad that I threw the phone, for sweet times that my husband and I share, for a great Christmas book, an early afternoon shower when I had nowhere else to be after work one day, for food and fellowship with Bible study friends and for the gift of godly friendship. We have MUCH to be thankful for, but this week, these are my top ones at the moment. 

What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. I am thankful for warm, mild weather. It's usually cool this time of year but it's been downright warm the past couple of days and will be that way the next few. I'm thankful the beauty of fall, for friendships, for good nights sleep and early morning runs. You have a great list of things to be thankful for as well. Have a great Thursday!

  2. So much this week like every week - but most on my mind right now is that I feel thankful to have turned 51 yesterday. I felt loved and special.

    I am thankful for a job where I hopefully get to put a smile on a teenager's face. I make 150 decisions a day at least and it's exhausting, but every interaction is important. I have no idea what they might be struggling with at home or in their heads. I pray for patience each day.

    I feel like you are so much happier now than a few months ago and it makes me happy!

    Have a wonderful Thursday! I am considering buying the coconut Renpure. The price is amazing! Does the conditioner really make your hair soft? That is one of my musts.

  3. Those are great things to be thankful for too, Maria! Our weather is warm here as well, but I miss the cooler temps. It doesn't seem right to wear warm weather clothes in November. I hope you have a great day!

  4. Amy, I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday! Everyone should feel loved and treasured on their special day. I love your list and I am positive that you bring a safe, fun and happy environment to your students when they're in your care. I feel like you offer them a very safe space to just be themselves and to listen to them- which is really what every teenager wants: to be heard.

    I do feel more content in life because I feel needed outside of my home and that is a great feeling. It was definitely the right time to get a job after a year of puppy training. I'm so thankful for the way God provided the perfect job for me!

    I use the rosewater scented conditioner in that same brand and it does make my hair soft! Now, because mine is curly, it is still tangled until I can get a brush through it, but it's soft despite the tangles. I hope that helps!

  5. I'm so thankful when you see the Lord work in a situation that has been ongoing.

    Also, thankful for the women who blog and share their lives with those of us who also want to share. :)

  6. Thank you for sharing this- you inspired me to start up this exercise again. Today, I am thankful for my family and friends.

  7. Debbie, that is awesome. I love seeing that kind of thing! And amen to that. ❤

  8. Holly, that's great! I love being intentionally thankful each day, especially in this month!

  9. What a great list. We're enjoying the Christmas movies too and I've started a Christmas book. There are some wonderful Christmas stores down here that we visit each year, so plans are to do that again. I did a Thankful post this evening, so better late than never??

  10. Thank you, Cathy! I'm glad you joined us today! I know you've having a wonderful time of vacation with your husband. Enjoy the rest of your time!

  11. So much gratitude this week. So glad that everyone was safe over the weekend. I'm grateful for the chance to get away last week....but always thankful to be back home. Thankful for my own bed, for getting back into my routine, for Bible study this week and for a really nice hike with my family this afternoon!

  12. Thanks, Jennifer! I am always the same way. It's fun to go, but there really is no place like home. Those are all great things to be thankful for!

  13. Hi friend, I have been away from blogging. Lost my mama in August and that knocked the breath out of me. Just now trying to ease back into it. Will try to link up this week for Thankful Thursday. Even with my very heavy heart I have had much to be thankful for.
    How wonderful that you enjoy going to work on the days you go. I have been subbing and most days I am excited to be able to get dressed up and be around kids for a day.
    I started a Bible study about a month ago and just lost interest in it before I even got started. Hope to get back to that tomorrow. This is the week, this is the week I get back to enjoying life. My mama would want me to.


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