Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I am so glad you're here and I hope you'll link up with me today for the weekly gratitude post. It's so good to pause and consider all we have to be grateful for. Just last week I read a parable from the New Testament about how Jesus healed ten men, and only one came back to thank Him. Jesus asked him, "Didn't I heal ten of you? Where are the other nine?" I don't know about you, but I always want to be like the one who went back to thank Jesus for what He had done.  

Each week I usually share several things from the week that I'm thankful for, but I'm only sharing one this week, because it's a big one. Yesterday morning, I was having one of those mornings. You know the kind, but it was a rough morning for a few reasons. Everything is fine and I don't mean to sound vague, but the story isn't mine to tell, so I'm not sharing. Anyway, in the middle of that and as I was getting dressed for Bible study, I felt a heaviness that hadn't been there previously. I can't describe the feeling I had, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Satan was messing with me and I knew if I didn't spend some time in prayer and in reading the Bible, that it would continue. So, I prayed, I texted my best friend and asked her to pray, then I went to the kitchen to sit and read my Bible. The Lord prompted me to read Philippians 4:8-9. 

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. 

I am so thankful for the Word of God. I am thankful that it's true, that it is trustworthy, and that it brings peace. I took the time to read that passage over and over a few times, then I wrote it out, then I turned it into my prayer. I won't say that I felt better instantly, but when I think about what it means to think about things that are praiseworthy, that led me offer up praise to God for who He is. Not even to me, but just who He is in general—Savior, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, trustworthy, author and perfecter of faith, Healer, Provider—and once I did that, it put my mind at ease with a different perspective. It's funny how that happens. I'd asked my best friend to pray because I was on my way to lead a small group at Bible study and I knew the enemy could have used that to affect the rest of my morning and my attitude. I am so thankful that wasn't the case, though. Our discussion time was one of the sweetest we'd had to date and the rest of the morning and day went fine. I never want to get used to that, to how God works. I always like to think on such times and share them for encouragement.

What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading and linking up today, those of you who are. Love to all! 


  1. I am so sorry you had a rough morning. This week has been hard for me, too. I am saddened by students at our school that are fighting at school and making the environment hard for the rest of the students. What is causing this anger? I pray for them and their home lives. No student should have to feel unsafe in school. Last week we did an active shooter training. It's just so mentally heavy, you know? I feel the weight of having to be strong, positive, and reassuring.
    There is good in every day and I do thank God for the strength to handle the difficult and for the beauty in each day.

  2. I had one of those mornings this week too. Sometimes it feels like there's a cloud of oppression over us, which on those days, if I ask others if they are feeling the same way, they will say yes. I'm so thankful we have a real, living savior who hears us and can walk with us during those moments.

  3. Yes...that heaviness...totally get that and for me, the best solution is returning to the cross XO

  4. Amy, I'm sorry you've had such a rough week as well. I cannot imagine the weight of that responsibility of training for an active this a standard thing now, or is it because of the fighting/violence your school has been experiencing? I'm just curious. I know you're a bright spot in their day, even if you feel like you're just faking it. Your heart must be so heavy!

  5. Debbie- yes! And amen. I feel the same way about others experiencing the same thing. My friends and I often talk about this. It's one reason why I love Ephesians so much, especially chapter 6 about spiritual warfare. I don't ever want to give the enemy TOO much credit, but most of us don't give him enough. He's excellent at his job and he's successful when we walk around unaware.

  6. Sorry it was a rough morning, but so encouraging to see the Lord meet your right in the midst of it. I'm so glad the day improved for you!

  7. Thanks, Marilyn! It quickly got better...I know it doesn't always happen that day, but I love to share about it when it does.


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