Wednesday, June 8, 2022

things about the summertime that I love


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share a few things about the summertime that I love. Also, doesn't this remind you of how we all got started blogging? It's such an old fashioned type post, but I love reading those from time to time. It's fun to me, to see what makes people themselves. That being said, I'll dive right in. 😉 (That pun was intentional.)

There is a tree that I love at my church that blooms every year at the start of the summer season. I believe it's called a golden rain tree, but the blooms remind me of fireworks. It starts to bloom in May and by the time July comes, the blooms are dying off and the summer season is winding down. I love this tree and always have! It symbolizes summer to me.

Am I the only one who thinks summertime has a smell associated with it? It's coconut! I love all things coconut scented during the warmer months, including the smell of sunscreen, which also smells tropical to me. I love wearing lotion that smells like summer and I even like my hair products to smell like that. I recently found a new shampoo and shared about it in yesterday's Prime Purchases post.

I love the sunsets that are even more beautiful during summertime. I am much more likely to pull over and to attempt a photo of it during this time of year. I took this picture at my church a few years ago.

I love it when the evenings are mild enough to sit and enjoy an evening outside. We have plants hanging around our deck out back and we love sitting out there sometimes. Unfortunately, it does get really humid here and we can't do this very long into the season, because it's too hot and buggy, but it's nice while it lasts!

I love how our yard looks when it's warm outside! Our flower beds are at the stage in the season where they're thriving. Unfortunately, this doesn't last too long either, because of the same humidity issue I mentioned above. We really need a sprinkler system to help us water regularly. That's not my forte and something Todd is better at. 

I loved an idea I borrowed from a friend last week—I clipped some hydrangea blooms from our bushes and brought them in for a bouquet. They lasted all week!

I love spending extra time reading in the summer. The nights are longer and the days are a little lazier, because I have fewer commitments during this time of year. 

I love easier and lighter meals in the summer. We love to use the Blackstone grill that we have and our favorite meals are hamburgers or chicken and veggies.

I love that the sunset happens later and I love that it gets cooler once it goes down. 

I love being able to swim each week, which I've already said a hundred times lately.

I love having a more minimal makeup routine each day in the summer.

I love getting to treat myself to pedicures more often in the summer! (I actually do this myself, I don't usually go to get actual ones at a salon very often. I may do that once a year or twice, at most.)

I love the fireworks and celebrations that take place more in the summer months. 

I love wearing more color during this season, as ridiculous as that sounds. I seem to wear a lot of neutral colors, but I've been embracing more color recently. If I have even the slightest hint of a tan, I feel better wearing something brighter. This can range from my nail polish choice to an actual item of clothing.

What about you? Is there something special or nostalgic that you love and associate with the summer season? I'd love to hear them, if so! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!  ❤


  1. There is so much to love about summer! I love that there is no school in the summer- the kids need a break from having to be someplace and learning in the school environment (though I think they do need to learn year round just not in the confines of the school building in the summer). I also love the smells associated with summer- from the scents found in man made summer time objects to the unique to summer smells of nature. Fun post, Jennifer! Both to read your answers and to think about mine. That tree near your church sure is pretty; I've not seen them as far north as I am (though it is possible they're here and I'm not aware of it). Have a great Wednesday, friend!

  2. Maria- YES! I was always so thankful for the break that summer brought for my kids. It's funny how my list of things has changed over the years, but I really do appreciate this time of year. I wonder if it will ever feel any different? There's always something so unique about this season.

    I also love all the beautiful smells of nature! The smell of rain, the smell of grass and other flowers that are blooming...I could go on. I hope you have a great day!

  3. The book club I'm in is doing that Every Summer After - hope its good! I gotta get to it!
    Your home is so beautiful!!!!
    The smell of coconut...mmm..totally summer smells!

  4. Rebecca Jo, I loved that book! I was shocked to find out it was her debut novel, she's that good of a writer. Thank you, my friend! We've done a lot of work to it in the last couple of years. ❤

  5. Your house is so pretty - and those flowerbeds look magazine-worthy! I love them. Oh, I love the long days of summer. Longer evenings and the chance to spend them outside. Isn't it great having a nice deck?? Any kind of outdoor space is wonderful. Ours is not huge - but we love it and use it often! I love the smell of coconut. I bought some coconut lotion recently at TJMaxx - and use it before bed. Now, my sheets have a slight coconut smell. Ahh. And, I love (so many things "I love"!) pedicures. I go get these regularly...yesterday, in fact! Nothing like fresh toes!!:) Hooray for summer!!

  6. This year I'm really enjoying watching the hummingbirds at my feeders. I also the bird family in my new bird house but unfortunately I don't get to see them very often as they fly away if I'm too near. But I catch them from time to time.

    I'm also reading the book you recommended by Denise Hunter, Riverbend Gap. You were right. It is very good. Thanks

  7. Your flower beds look so beautiful!

  8. I have mentioned it before, but your plants look so good and healthy! What a fun feeling to know that hard work paid off from last year. Hope you are enjoying this rainy day!

  9. Thank you, Jennifer! Yes, I love having a beautiful outdoor space. It makes outside living so much more pleasant! My husband and I were just talking about this- he's about to buy a new tv for our deck for when fall comes back around. They love sitting out there to watch games with a fire in the firepit going at the same time. I love all the same things you love!

  10. Cathy, I'm so glad you love that book! I need to read the second one. Hey, since you're a hummingbird person, how long does it take them to find us if we put out a feeder a week ago Thursday? I'm curious...we haven't seen the first one yet.

  11. Thank you, Marilyn! I hope yours was good too! I did get out with my mom for an impromptu lunch at our favorite Mexican place. It was so good!


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