Monday, December 19, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. 

Can you even believe it is Christmas week? I am shaking my head at this, but I am grateful that I don't have much of anything else to do. I have one gift left to buy and that will get done on Wednesday, and I have wrapping to do between now and then, in between working two days this week. Have you done your wrapping yet? We have very few gifts to wrap this year. The boys are each getting one gift, because what they wanted was expensive. Then we have about five additional gifts, but I've always wrapped at the last minute. I kind of love that Christmas is on the weekend, because I have all the week to prepare. I don't know if my family likes that Christmas is on the weekend, though. 

We had a great weekend! It was busy and full of family. On Friday my dad came over, but we stayed in since it was cold and because he didn't feel great. (His back really hurts sometimes.) I was so glad he could still come over, and we had a nice day together. Before he got here I cleaned and caught up on my Bible reading again. I keep getting behind and have to spend an hour catching up. After I took Dad home, I went straight to my mom's house since Todd was working that night. Bill made the most delicious chicken tortilla soup for dinner, of which I ate two bowls. After that we just kind of talked and I showed Mom how to comment on my blog from her phone. 🤣 I love you, Mom! Look how beautiful their house looks all decked out for Christmas.

Bill outdid looks way better than what my blurry pictures convey. 

I came home and watched part of a movie, but I wasn't very into it and stopped paying attention. I think I ended up turning on Gilmore Girls and went to bed pretty early. Saturday we celebrated Christmas with my husband's family! I woke up early and watched this adorable movie.

Then we all went to his parent's house and stayed later than we normally would. The boys all ended up leaving there earlier in the afternoon to come home and take care of the dogs, but Todd and I went out to dinner with his brother and his wife. Tim and Tracy live near Nashville, but we only see them once a year. They have three sons and one came with his girlfriend (he's their 19 year old) and the other two are sixteen and eleven. Nathan (the 19 year old) is three weeks younger than my Jonah and Noah. They grew up being called the triplets, because they're all the same age and height. Jonah's girlfriend came with him as well—it was a really good day. I took a few pictures, but just a few.

The top two are Drew with Oakley. He's also known as the animal and kid whisperer. It's the sweetest! The third picture is our nephew Joseph and the bottom one is Zeke. And that's all I took! I did feel very present and in the moment, which is always nice and never something I regret. 

And on Sunday morning, Todd and I were at church early. 

I always, always stop by the restroom first to put my in-ear monitors in place (it goes under my clothes), and I always do an outfit check in this mirror before walking into the the sanctuary. 

I am going to miss this view when it all gets packed away after Christmas! 

We sang the best songs for worship yesterday! I was excited to sing yesterday when I got there, because Christmas time is my favorite time to help lead worship. After church yesterday, I came home to get comfy and stayed in for the rest of the day. I took a nap, I worked on this blog post and started a few others for the week, I ate dinner, then Drew came home to eat something and I watched a couple of movies, ending with one of my favorites. Can you guess what it is by these pictures?

It has Diane Keaton, Craig T. Nelson, Claire Danes, Luke Wilson, Dermot Mulroney, Amy McAdams, Luke Wilson...

It's one of my favorite movies! I would say the highlight of my weekend was having dinner with my brother and sister-in-love on Saturday after our Christmas celebration. We never get to do that and we had so much that we sat there for a couple of hours after we finished dinner and Tracy had dinner # 2, because she got hungry again. 🤣 

She'll kill me if she knows I posted this, but it cracks me up! One of these was mine and one was hers, she was not drinking both. It was a great weekend. What was the highlight of your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.

P.s. The movie was The Family Stone. 😉


  1. It's great that you had a family filled weekend. Those are the best kind! I'm impressed that you have so much done for Christmas. I still have lots of wrapping to do (and gifts that NEED to be delivered this week!). I love singing Christmas songs in church, too. I will miss those after the season. Have a great Monday!

  2. What a fun weekend! You are organized and ready to go so that you can enjoy your week when not working! Are you responsible for cooking any meals? I am getting my plans in order so I can get a grocery order at some point.

  3. It was, Maria! I think what saved us is that the boys only wanted one very expensive thing. I may need to get a few more things for their stockings...maybe something like a gift card and a little more candy. I hope you have a productive day!

  4. It was, Amy! Thanks! I am responsible for half of our meal on Sunday, but we're going untraditional this year and having Italian. I'm making chicken alfredo, so I'll get those ingredients on Wednesday while I'm out with my mom and make the sauce on Saturday afternoon. I hope to be finished with grocery shopping by Wednesday!

  5. Oh what a fun and festive weekend! Bill did such a great job with the lights- it looks beautiful! My mouth is watering reading about your mom's soup- so good for the soul right? Hope church felt amazing :)

  6. I love that you had to show your mom how to comment from her phone :) My kids still have to show me things and then I try to pass on my limited tech knowledge to my own mom, which is hilarious!

    Have a great week! Sounds like you're ready for the big day :)

  7. Family Stone is definitely one of my favorite Christmas movies. In fact probably top 3 behind Home Alone and Elf!

  8. What a great weekend! Your house is so cozy. I'm finally getting around to watching Christmas movies. I watched the Noel Diaries yesterday. I'm hoping to at least watch one movie a day this week to catch up! I'm trying to cram in all things festive this week.

  9. So much Christmas right about now - in movies, with friends and family, in worship, etc. - I know your heart must be full to overflowing!!:) Savor every special moment!

  10. When I used to sing in church, the holidays were always the best! A different kind of energy singing those familiar songs

  11. I knew it was the Family Stone by the first picture! I just watched that last week. We celebrated Christmas with my husband's side of the family this weekend too and I think maybe 6 photos total... every year I say I'm doing to take more and document more but I never end up doing that as it is so much fun to just be in the moment.

  12. I don't think I've ever watched the Family Stone - I need to check it out. It sounds like a good weekend. Seeing family is always nice, even though it can also be stressful! Have a wonderful Christmas week!

  13. Your mom's house is beautiful. I've never seen Family Stone, but I love your fireplace and mantel. Hope you're having a good day.

  14. Thanks, Holly! I think he did too. It was so good yesterday! I LOVE church during this season. I love all the extra people, too. What a wonderful time of year!

  15. Debbie, it made me laugh too! But also, my sons could say the exact same of me. They're always teaching me something on Snapchat. The only reason I'm even on there is because of them! I hope you're feeling better, Debbie!

  16. Kirsten, I love those too! I have been watching the Home Alone movies recently. They never get old!

  17. Thanks, Jen! Those sound like THE BEST plans. I hope you enjoy every second of your hard earned break!

  18. Jennifer- YES! And you are right. I had a moment when I was ready for it to be over, but I'm back to savoring it now. I was having a time when I felt bad last week. 🤣 I hope you do the same, my friend!

  19. Rebecca Jo, yes! You are absolutely right!

  20. Joanne, that's funny! I love this movie so much, but I always cry at the end. I think it's beautiful. I agree wholeheartedly- pictures are great and all, but so is being there in the moment. ❤

  21. Tanya- you have to watch it! Your daughter would probably love it too. You are so right- I was so grateful the day was so nice, though. It makes it more special!

  22. Thank you, Cathy! I hope you had a great day too!

  23. Sounds like a fun holiday weekend! I have not ever seen The Family Stone. I need to add that to my list! I only had a few gifts to wrap this year as well. You can tell these kids are growing up!

  24. Marilyn, I can't believe you haven't seen that! Watch it and let me know what you think of it. You can watch for free with Prime Tv right now. It's kind of sad...about the lack of gifts, but it's also kind of nice.


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