Monday, June 13, 2022

Hello Monday and plans for this week


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was good, just slow and easy. My dad came over on Friday as usual, and we went to get lunch, then brought it back here to eat. It was kind of dreary and rainy, so it was nice to stay home, though I'd planned on asking him if minded going to Costco with me. I spent some time reading before he got here, and this book is so good! It's Emily Giffin's newest book.

And then I stood outside to wait on Dad with my umbrella so that I could escort him into the garage.

Sandy came and picked him back up later that afternoon, since she was nearby at a friend's house, so I straightened up and read for a bit before changing into more comfy clothes and finding a movie to watch for the night. I settled on a couple of National Lampoon movies (that were kind of terrible) and a dinner of leftover shrimp and pasta. I enjoyed the pasta, since I don't normally eat it anymore!

On Saturday I was up early with the pups and my coffee, a show on Netflix and some time to kill before starting on a few things around the house. I am such an early bird and love to get things done in the morning. It's definitely my favorite time of day and I can get more accomplished in the time between seven and eleven than any other time of day. I try to wait until eight to start puttering around in the downstairs, because I feel like noise carries upstairs and I know everyone loves sleeping in on Saturday. I left home at ten to make a Hobby Lobby run, then I met up with my mom and sister for lunch out and a little bit of errand running. Another thing I seem to do is run out of several of my makeup products at one time, so Ulta was one of the stops we made. Actually, I think that's all we did, aside from going to lunch, running by to see where Drew's about to be moving to, then to one last place before going our separate ways.

Todd was home when I got back and we spent the rest of the evening together. I read and he watched tv, then we ended the night by watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Does anyone else here love Johnny Depp and think that was the role of his lifetime? I know he's always been a little controversial, but I love those movies! I actually really like him as an actor and have since I was a teenager. 

We went to church Sunday morning, then made that Costco run I'd meant to on Friday, then Todd went into work that night and before I was about to leave for choir rehearsal, Drew called and asked if I was home so he could see me. That means for the second week in a row, I didn't make it to choir rehearsal! I do feel bad about that, but I haven't seen Drew except in passing, in over a week. He's working most days and stays in his neck of the woods a lot to save on gas. I couldn't pass up time with him, though I wasn't in the greatest of moods when he got here. I feel bad about that, but a couple of my sons made me mad because they were arguing over giving the dogs baths and I'm having a dental issue with an old filling. That's on my agenda first thing today, hopefully. I'm calling as soon as they open and I plan on being dressed so that I can be there within half an hour, if they're able to squeeze me in.

After the dogs were bathed, I vacuumed, dusted and they all cleaned and vacuumed upstairs, then ate dinner and settled into finish an episode of The Home Edit and then to watch a favorite movie for the rest of the evening—Something's Gotta Give with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. 

No matter how many times I've seen this movie, I always laugh and smile as I watch. This is one thing Todd doesn't understand about me—how I can watch my favorite movies over and over again. Are any of your husbands that way? Maybe it's the difference between men and women, but I think it's funny and he doesn't understand. 

On my agenda for today is seeing the dentist. Also, thanks to binge watching The Home Edit, I have a couple of trouble areas that I'd like to work on in our house this week, and I may get started if I feel okay afterward. One of the areas is in the hall downstairs and there's one in the tornado closet. I'd also like to clean out and reorganize our kitchen cabinets, then make my way into the dining room. The reasoning for that is that I'm always thinking about getting rid of our hutch. It is big and cumbersome and looks old fashioned in our dining room. The problem is that we need a hutch or at least a cleaned out kitchen cabinet to store what I have in the hutch. Do you see my dilemma? 

Even if I decide to keep the hutch as it is, I'd be happy to get it looking similar to this again. I have gotten rid of same of the things that are hanging on the wall in this picture, but I feel like I can scrounge around and find some things to replace what's there now. At the very least I'd like to clean it all up and take the leaf out of the table to make it smaller again. Before I do that, I need to clean out the tornado closet, because that's where I usually store it while it's not in use. 

I don't plan on doing all of that this week, obviously, but I'd love to get started! It's a good week for it, since it's so hot here this week. What's the weather like where you live? It's in the mid nineties here all week, though I'm sure the heat index will make it hotter. I do plan on swimming at least one day, and maybe two if I can get some other things done. Wow. All of that, from watching a show that motivates me to clean and organized. I highly recommend the show, if you've not seen it yet! I'd watched season one a long time ago, but this is the newest season that I'm on now.

So, what about you? Tell me something good about your weekend and what you have planned this week. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. ❤


  1. I LOVE that movie!! :) Sounds like another perfect little weekend- it is supposed to be high 70's and low 80's here this week- I will take it- have a great one :) XO

  2. Sorry about your dental issue! I can understand dropping everything to see your son. I’m having that situation with one of mine who is working crazy hours. I can’t just wait around and not make plans for myself but I want to be available. Good luck with the dentist!

  3. I hope you can get in to see the dentist soon. There are few pains worse than tooth pain. Regarding movies, I'm sure I've only seen the first Pirates movie with Johnie Depp and I don't remember it at all. Same with the other movie you mentioned. I think I've only watched one movie my entire life more than once... I am just not much of a movie watcher (I've also never watched a movie by myself; I only watch movies with others). So glad that you got to see Drew! I understand about the gas prices and young people (and many others) having to conserve and drive less. It's so sad! I remember reading about how high gas prices were in Europe (back when ours were much lower) and shuddering. Now we are there ;(. Hot week ahead here in Ohio, too. Stay cool, friend!!

  4. Holly, I loved watching it again! My boys loved those movies when they were little, so it brought back lots of memories. Wow! That was our weather here last week. I thought it was nice for us, because we have extreme humidity most of the summer months, and it felt so cool each morning and evening! I hope you have a great day!

  5. Thanks, Amy! I feel the same and Drew works almost everyday, so I'm glad I made the choice to stay home. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Thanks Maria! I agree wholeheartedly. Thankfully it hasn't been too bad, it's just more of an achy annoyance, but it also caused me to have a headache by the end of the day. Bleh! That's funny that you don't watch movies by yourself! I get not being a movie watcher- my son Jonah is the same way. He rarely sits still for a long time to watch tv or a a football game is an entirely different story, though he watches in a very interactive way. 🤣

    I remember those days too and alas, here we are. Insert huge eye roll. On the bright side of things, thankfully we have money to be able to afford gas, even if it does cause us to rethink where all we drive and consider more resourceful ways to get things done, like in running errands just one day instead of a few days during the week. I hope you have a great day, friend!

  7. The hours between 7 and 11....magical!! By far the most productive time of the day!! I really hope the dentist was able to get you in...and that dental owes will be gone by this evening! Ugh. I do not like dental issues (or dentists, in general!) Here's to another lovely week ahead!!

  8. Hope you got in to see the dentist. It sounds like you had a really nice weekend and I hope you have a really good week too.

  9. Jennifer, RIGHT?! We are kindred spirits. I knew I liked you! ;) Good news and he was able to fit me in today! I was so thankful for that. I don't like going at all, but I love him. He caters to cowards, which is what his business card says. It's appropriate! He told me most people hate coming in when I saw him today. I hope the same for you, my friend! Happy and safe travels to you and your Mister!

  10. Thank you, Cathy! I was able to get in, thank the Lord! I was so grateful and was out of pain almost immediately. I hope you had a great day, my friend!

  11. Hope that dentist appointment went well. I went to Costco today. I agree, it is going to be so hot this week, indoor organization projects or being at a pool seem like good options! It was a great weekend, but I didn't blog due to honestly just no time the past few days. Enjoy your night!

  12. Thanks, Marilyn, I felt so much better immediately after my appointment. This weather is no joke! Our power was out for hours last night...from 4 in the afternoon until almost one in the morning. Yikes! I've never been so glad to see it come back on.

  13. Love reading about your weekends! It always starts out so sweet with the time you have with your dad... time you will both cherish forever!! I started watching The Home Edit, and I think I am only a few episodes in. I should watch that while I am just sitting here resting on the couch this week. I am working on finishing Fuller House first. :-)

  14. Thanks, Bri! We do love our start of the weekend together. I loved The Home'll enjoy it too AND it will motivate you, so it's guilt free! ;) I need to watch Fuller House...I loved the original and have seen a few episodes of the first season.


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